🚨Too Broke to Rent: Tiktok Rants About Rent Inflation

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Rent Broke – Tiktok Rants About Inflation & Rent Prices – this is crazy – how are people able to just live? What is typical rent in your …

30 replies
    FREE TO FAMILY says:

    🚨 Rent Broke – Tiktok Rants About Inflation & Rent Prices – this is crazy – how are people able to just live? What is typical rent in your area? Sound off…
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  2. GMorris
    GMorris says:

    I have a 2 bedroom condo and the renter was paying $1200 for 5 years the maintenance increase so I told her I was going up to $1350 she told me thanks because her daughter’s went up by $500. Everyone was telling me I was crazy for not going up higher. She is a great tenant and I’m not hurting. She pays on time and is very unproblematic. I can’t kill her on the rent. Some of these landlords are unreasonable.

  3. secret peace
    secret peace says:

    6:40 its easy to tell people to move if they have not walked a day in that person's shoes. I'm in a major city and I'm an online college student living with my parents and the only reason why I wouldn't want to move out of state is because I don't drive. If I can't walk somewhere I rely on public transportation to get me there. In the United States there are many places where there isn't much infrastructure for that.

  4. Chase Lesser
    Chase Lesser says:

    Get a group of people to make an appointment, and then then your appointment comes up just don’t show up and have them say, “I realized/I feel/it seems to be to expensive for that the place, no thank you.

  5. Tanya Davis
    Tanya Davis says:

    To the girl and her friend that do not qualify, just tell them that you're both
    lesbians, and can have the LGBT calling them within days, and they'll rethink their positions, trust me.

  6. MyJourney
    MyJourney says:

    Im 25 (childfree) in Atlanta with a bachelors degree making 87k!….. I have to live in student housing with a damn roommate. Yall dont understand how much that hurts. 5 years ago, I wouldve been able to buy a house, a porshe, and vacation 4x a year… wheww, I needed to vent

  7. Titania Bell
    Titania Bell says:

    To the guy complaining about rent being high in California $2300.
    You do have a choice to move to lower the cost but you just admitted that you don’t want to leave.
    So don’t complain online about the cost of living in California. You made your choice.

  8. Ninnjette
    Ninnjette says:

    Rent isn't high because of an algorithm, it's high because the White House has destroyed the economy. When Biden shut down the pipelines, it was over done deal… Trying to blame the entire rent gouge as an algorithm, is ridiculous..

  9. Walt Man
    Walt Man says:

    I believe the elite are driving up rates to create displacement. Once you're displaced either fema has a solution or you'll be homeless. I see a lot of people sleeping in their vehicles nationwide. If you lose your vehicle there goes your home. Rent or mortgage should be adjustable and within the locally paid wage. In a town where the wage is $8 per hour rent should be no higher than 1 week's pay.

  10. Karma Nonchalant
    Karma Nonchalant says:

    The American Dollar Is Losing Its Value In The International Currency System As The Days Go By. One American Dollar Is Equal To $55 Brics. Soon There'll Be No Middle Class Whatsoever && Our Tax Returns That We File For Is Going To Go Through A Big Change Once The Tax Law Passes In October. 😢

  11. David Eunson
    David Eunson says:

    This is a deliberate plan by the current government in charge right now to eliminate the middle class. The best way to make things better is to not keep voting the same people into office over and over again. People were much better off 4 years ago.


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