😳 Reacting to our very first SCRAPPED recipe video (Chicken Corn Soup 雞肉玉米湯)

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Since we recently crossed 1 million subscribers, Kat and I decided to watch our very first unpublished recipe for the super …

20 replies
  1. Rosanne Tom
    Rosanne Tom says:

    Congratulations to the whole MWL family for your milestone! Y'all are an endearing, loving family. I love hearing the Cantonese (which I mistook for Toisan-wah😆) Keep up the Wok Hey🤗 and great videos!🙏

  2. Charlie
    Charlie says:

    Thank you for all your great videos… ! I’ve learn a lot from the Lau family…
    Just wondering if maybe there will be a in the future a….braised beef brisket with daikon recipe 😅😅

  3. bablybee
    bablybee says:

    Hi, 老劉。
    Coquitlam BC

  4. physicskid
    physicskid says:

    It opened up my comprehension the team does way more than the actual results the viewer finally sees. I sense you may share my sentiment where an 8 hour work day can't cover everything. You make time to assemble the wood frames for your camera equipment and I commit the time to wake up at 3AM to take my medication and have breakfast before I begin my 55 minute work commute and arrive earlier than everyone else to get set for the day. When my family used to have a Chinese restaurant SOMEONE has to commit the time to chop the vegetables, make the sauces and wipe down the sauce bottles to place onto the table, it just doesn't happen magically like most believe. I have learned to ask for help, as you did by hiring a professional Chinese translator instead of burdening your mom. No doubt Mom can do it BUT she should try to enjoy the magic of producing content.

    Thank you for this insight. I'd love to hear Mister and Missus Lau's insight and if she's comfortable your sister too!

  5. Byakko
    Byakko says:

    My SW Chicken Corn chowder is the bomb. Tips: build a good stock (use rotisserie chicken), use actual corn on the cob (peaches and cream – cut off) – potatoes, carrots, onion, garlic, red bell pepper, chipotle, cumin. Sea salt/black pepper to taste. Par-boil all of the veg in stock minus corn and what you want to caramelize (onion, garlic) then add corn, cook 7-8min, then starch slurry to thicken, then heavy cream, paprika and cubed cooked chicken at the end. Trick is to not hit the final ingredients with any more heat than needed, as they can toughen. You can also just build an awesome corn chowder, BBQ chicken breasts with southwest seasoning, then slice and lay into the bowl upon service. Makes it far easier to warm up leftovers and not mess your chicken up by having proteins disintegrate or toughen. (seasoned browned ground turkey can also be subbed in)

  6. Stephy Fang
    Stephy Fang says:

    Like Kat said, the first video was still a good video and like you said, it had a a lot of info to take in at the start. To be honest, I would still watch the video but would be a little distracted because I know that Mommy Lau is there to help viewers understand what's being said but at the same time it feels weird as someone who speaks Cantonese. I'm glad that Cantonese was at the forefront and I appreciate the Toisanese that your dad sprinkles in (I grew up with my grandparents so I understand it but can't speak it). That was what drew me to your channel in the beginning and I've stayed since then to live through you guys and enjoy the family love that I couldn't have.


  7. bc293
    bc293 says:

    I really love your channel and how close you are to your family. Do you take recipe requests? I’d love to see your dad’s take on a sort of chinese curry chicken if he has one in his repertoire!

  8. Mymy C
    Mymy C says:

    Hi, I just wanna say that I follow you guys from Belgium. I love the fact that you let your dad speak in Cantonese without cover his voice because I’m Chinese too but don’t read chinese at all. So your video is just perfect for following your recipes.
    Plus, I love the fact that you add some explanation of the meaning or history of our culture or food❤❤❤


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