😋 Char Siu (叉燒) – My dad's recipe for Chinese BBQ Pork!

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50 replies
  1. C S
    C S says:

    Thank you for this video. What a lovely family. I followed your dad's recipe but opted for organic beetroot powder which gave a lovely authentic colour to the pork.

  2. Gloria
    Gloria says:

    the recipe is so good that i think i recreated it in the way so much better than any available option in London! Thanks! but it is tricky to find fat enough meat in supermarkets here

  3. kenmarelove
    kenmarelove says:

    Just discovered your channel and your Dad is fantastic! Tell him thanks for sharing his vast culinary skills with the world. Can't wait to make the Char Sui! Your family is beautiful! ❤ from NY!

  4. John Boabie
    John Boabie says:

    Thank you both for this fantastic video, and your channel is an absolute goldmine (love your dad's teaching style and character), subbed. I can't wait to try out this and your other recipes.

  5. Marcusmiller
    Marcusmiller says:

    This video really hit a nerve. I am also part Chinese, my Chinese mother was an immigrant. I also want to share the Chinese traditions over to my unborn child, but sadly she passed away a few years ago. Looking at the family time footage i get sad, because she won't be there anymore when I have a kid. 🙁 I still hope that I can bring her traditions and way of life to my children some day..! But it's tough losing your mother, I think about her every day.

  6. Roger Trozelle
    Roger Trozelle says:

    I love Char Siu, In my part of the world ,Frank Chins restaurant in Roseburg made the best I have ever had. But this Joe Biden thing has really got me thinking about Char Siu. If I were a moron I would have voted for Joe. Many Morons did. However , the election was stolen by fraud , and not won by any legitimate means. that does not mean that the Char Siu is not good.

  7. Ron J
    Ron J says:

    I'll use that recipe on a rack of ribs and then grill them. They should turn out like the Chinese re4staurants used to make them. I couldn't get enough of them with house fried rice. So so, good.

  8. Bella M
    Bella M says:

    Like how cute and sweet is your dad. I grew up with an array of backgrounds. He reminds me of when I was little at my friends houses. My friends parents were always hilarious & sweet as could be. I was so blessed to have so many experiences with them.

  9. qtTiger1
    qtTiger1 says:

    Your dad is so cute! The little song he sang 12:00 when he pulls the pork out of the oven is my favorite (well the entire presentation from your dad is tops). Your questions are very insightful as well as all his gems of knowledge. Thanks for sharing his wisdom & expertise.

  10. Van Nguyen
    Van Nguyen says:

    thank you Daddy Lau for sharing the recipe with all the tips and tricks! My family loves it so much, I can feel so much joy sparks from the meal. Thank you all for saving the heritage to pass on to the next generations.

  11. Playback: A Music Lover's Journey into Audio
    Playback: A Music Lover's Journey into Audio says:

    Made about 3 kg of this a few weeks ago. Ate the first few pieces over a few days & froze the rest. Then over the next few weeks took one piece out every few days. It's all gone now! I'm orig. from Vancouver & we have a large number of excellent authentic Chinese BBQ outlets there. This recipe is as good as the best available in Vancouver. Thank you so much for this easy to follow recipe.

  12. Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu says:

    Love listening to Mr. Lau's Cantonese! Thank you for documenting Chinese Tradition! With Mrs. Lau. These traditions and many dialects, including Cantonese, still practice among overseas Chinese in HK, Taiwan, Malaysia and N. America but have been disappearing amd becoming less popular in the mainland under the government.

  13. Vanessa Cheung
    Vanessa Cheung says:

    Hello, I saw your dad 义燒 recipes. I love it, but I want to learn how to make 义燒醬 too. If you can send me a recipe for how to make Cha Siu source. I would a precious for your help. Thank you so much. Stay safe and healthy.

  14. Woodland26
    Woodland26 says:

    Do this in a Weber charcoal kettle and it will taste even better. Add a small chunk of hickory to the charcoal and will enhance the flavor many more times. There are ready made marinade to save the preparation steps.

  15. MrBoliao98
    MrBoliao98 says:

    I think the red fermented bean curd is absolutely essential, its not just the color, but the aroma and flavor it imparts to the char siu. Without it, the char siu taste just not quite right. You don't even have to roast char siu properly, but you need that red bean curd to give it that depth.


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