📃How I Cut My Grocery Bill by 60% this week with a PANTRY CHALLENGE!

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Today I am sharing a week of meals that I made during this pantry challenge along with a grocery haul! LINKS MENTIONED IN …

32 replies
  1. Lopez Garcia
    Lopez Garcia says:

    Amazing videos and thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic downturn, I’m so happy I have been earning $ 55,000 returns from my $9,000 investment every 14 days.

  2. Catherine Calhoun
    Catherine Calhoun says:

    I know for some the avocado mash seems expensive vs whole avocados but those cups freeze really well. I can buy them and not worry about waste. In the long run it is cheaper for me to do the cups.

  3. Judith Loue
    Judith Loue says:

    Your 13 year old daughter that's "gone pescatarian" is now making decisions for the family meals? She's 13 for fucks sake…is she helping to pay for the expensive seafood, or is she just being a "teen age girl"…let the snarky comments begin…but…when y'all were 13 did your mother kiss ass with your diet changes…oy

  4. Jacque Mcarthur
    Jacque Mcarthur says:

    I love tabouleh….but I swapped the Bulger wheat with cauliflower that I chop in my food processor and use all the rest of the usual tabouleh ingredients….it's delicious! Just remember that the cauliflower won't absorb the liquid like the wheat does….very low carb since that's what I have to be careful with….♥️♥️♥️

  5. Haley Hinman
    Haley Hinman says:

    Your breakfast inspired me to make breakfast for dinner. Two of my kids had wisdom teeth out yesterday, so they're on soft foods. Biscuits and gravy, pancakes and eggs should all be doable for them!

  6. Jennifer Fulton
    Jennifer Fulton says:

    I know you love your coffee! I was a barista for years at that really famous coffee shop. The lower the fat content of your milk, the better it foams. So nonfat will foam fantastically, but something like heavy cream, not so much.

  7. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    Good to see you using cutting gloves. I got myself a pair after cutting my finger at work (we have them and I was supposed to use them and I didn't). They are excellent to have in your drawer with your knives. Lesson learned! Don't make my mistake. You will be sorry.

  8. Jason Lackey
    Jason Lackey says:

    My wife and I both love you and hate you at the same time. Please allow me to explain. We both love the recipes that you share and we both love your personality. How ever I have to be honest I hate watching your videos only cause it make me hungry. Lol. You and frugal fit mom do that. Its nice however to watch the both of you and me and my wife seem to bond watching y’all’s videos. Keep up the great work. Thanks.

  9. Rhiahl
    Rhiahl says:

    Jen, I saw someone take a hard avocado, wrap it foil then into the oven at 212 degrees for 20 minutes. Took it out, removed the pit and pressed it into a bowl through a cooling rack. worked like a charm. It's on Webspoon World channel here on YouTube, video is 'Nobody believes but it works! 16 Budget (+7 free) home hacks your budget will love you for', might be worth a try. I hate avocados but would try that if I didn't/

  10. Erin J
    Erin J says:

    Perfect timing! I've been thinking about doing this all week. Tomorrow morning I'm going to dig through the pantry and freezer and plan to get stuff used up next week.


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