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25 replies
  1. Cynthia Johnson
    Cynthia Johnson says:

    I totally felt your intro today…I, too was never taught about credit and unfortunately learned the hard way! That is stressed x10 to my child. Now regarding those broiche bagels O.M.G, delicious tried for the 1st time today (got everything flavor) worth every nickle IMO!!

  2. oldskool diva
    oldskool diva says:

    Hey Jen, thanks for being transparent…we grew up poor too, it was 6 children, mom, and dad. but my mom was good at shopping buying meat in bulk. dad hunted and fish. mom was a great cook all the meals were from scratch… homemade rolls and all that!!! Mom was very frugal. I did had issues with the credit cards, but I pulled myself out of that debt twice!! I made paying off my debts as my second job. My teen grandson says, "do you always have to ask for a discount." lol. No shame in my game. Like my dear mom said, "only the squeaking the wheel gets the oil."

  3. Monique MC
    Monique MC says:

    We were spending $50-$100 a week for a family of 4. Two older teen boys who play sports and one early 20’s college student and me mom. With higher costs it’s about $60-$120. We live in so cal. On occasion we might hit $150 but that’s if we do buy convince food. But that’s not household items. Just food.

  4. D C
    D C says:

    Fam of 4 in the Midwest. Spend $150-$220/week including home items (TP, PT, Ziploc bags, etc). Reducing meat cause it's just not as appealing to me anymore and chicken tits shouldn't be bigger than mine😂.

  5. Brandy Swider
    Brandy Swider says:

    We are also a family of 4 in Northern Indiana and I'd say we spend $200-250 weekly on groceries as well…definitely noticing the price hikes for sure! Really interested in the open face chicken caesar sandwhich you are making!

  6. Brandy Swider
    Brandy Swider says:

    We also grew up way under the poverty line as well. It is mind blowing to go back now and imagine the stress my mom was under (she was a single mom with no help) anyway…quite surprising how she stretched things and kept us afloat.

  7. Denise Fonda
    Denise Fonda says:

    Jen, I think you did a great job. For four people, and kids and a husband, who take their lunch, the amount you spent was reasonable. I shopped today, for just my husband and me and spent $168.00, and since retiring, my husband has breakfast, with friends, out everyday. Like you, I cook dinner every-night except Friday night, when we eat out at a local cafe. I think, with current prices and food shortages, we do okay🤗

  8. Jaisy Petric
    Jaisy Petric says:

    Our system for 2022 is to spend $20 per person per week on weekly groceries, but we also usually buy half a cow's worth of meat around January. Buying the meat in bulk makes alllll the difference.

  9. Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll says:

    Thanks for sharing this Jen! I grew up poor also. My father was the sole provider and when he passed away at age 50 (I was 11 at the time) we were left broke. He had no pension, 401k, etc. but my mom and dad had a small savings. It certainly was a life lesson about money…I've used now into my adulthood today. Groceries are so outrageous now. Spend $200.00 per week now

  10. Angela Lewandowski
    Angela Lewandowski says:

    My parents were never good with money and now being 21 I see what a bad relationship I have with spending/saving, credit, debt, etc. I didn’t grow up with much so this is so very relatable! I watched my parents have to make the decision between putting gas in the car to take us to sports and school events vs. using that money to put food in the house for us to eat. I adopted a lot of their bad money habits but I’m working on improving, thankfully I still have time! Awesome video as always 🙂

  11. Angie Hart
    Angie Hart says:

    We're a family of 4, my babies are 4y.o. and 8mo, and I usually spend about €110/$121 a week on our groceries.
    Baby just started eating solids every meal with us, and I use little to no convenience food because that's even more expensive. (We are Dutch FYI)
    I grew up in a household where money was always a problem, my partner did not. So I have a hard time spending money, and he is allergic to saving or budgetting😂

  12. Lele Lanaee
    Lele Lanaee says:

    Out here in California I get food stamps but believe it or not I still have to come out of pocket for food every month I spend about 650 on food that includes are fast food n restaurant budget and don’t get me started on gas

  13. TheycallmeJules
    TheycallmeJules says:

    I also grew up well below the poverty line, even though my dad worked at least two jobs all the time. To be able to pay my bills, travel, and save for retirement feels like a dream. I put myself through college, which was easier back then. (I graduated with my bachelor’s in 1985.) When my husband and I got married, we had nothing, and everything we have accomplished we have done together. We have made some good financial choices and some not so good ones, but we are now proudly debt free. (Without Dave Ramsey, thankyouverymuch.)

  14. Nicole W.
    Nicole W. says:

    Family of 3 adults and one 120-pound dog. My son and husband are big eaters, so we spend around $200 a week and that includes all meals and eating out around once a week. A few years ago, we were a family of 5 and spent $100 a week. 😲

  15. Elaine Cole
    Elaine Cole says:

    We are a family of 4 with a teenage son and 20 year old son. We spend around $475 per month on grocery which includes pet food but not sundries. With inflation I am challenging myself to stick with this budget. I cook mostly from scratch , shop with coupons, and stock up on things when they’re on sale. These have helped me with lowering my grocery budget.


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