🍲 My dad's Winter Melon Seafood Soup (冬瓜海鲜羹)!

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Watch Daddy Lau teach us how to make Winter Melon Soup with Seafood! This is a classic Chinese comfort soup that my parents ate growing up.

34 replies
  1. Airam BB
    Airam BB says:

    Randy, these videos are a God-send!! I have been looking for videos where I can learn how to cook Cantonese food, practice the language, and reconnect with the culture–your video accomplishes all three.
    After my Cun cun passed away, a part of me has felt so sad that I didn't take advantage to learn from him while I could have.
    I deeply appreciate that you and your lovely family are making these videos!

  2. syeda hussaini
    syeda hussaini says:

    I found your channel like 2 days ago and have already been through most of the videos you have recorded. I love the way your dad explains the cooking process and the way the videos are made. I can’t wait to see what you guys make next!

  3. leminhed
    leminhed says:

    Stumbled on your channel and finally someone posting great videos of home dishes my family made when I was growing up. Awesome videos! Does your family have a recipe for curries? And also what wok is your father is using?

  4. A G
    A G says:

    Cantonese food is the best Chinese food. You’re so lucky to have a Dad who cooks awesome Cantonese food. He’s a treasure and you’re wise to tap on his 50 years of cooking experience and honed culinary skills, not to forget preserving his secret recipes which will be his legacy to the family. Thank you for sharing them with us. Greetings from Singapore! 🇸🇬 👍🏻

  5. VictoriaL
    VictoriaL says:

    Hi, I’d like to request steamed pork meat patty (with salted fish or salted egg) “jing yook beng”. I never can seem to get it right where it’s soft, thicker and flavorful and not “hai” like how restaurants make it. Thanks! Love your videos!!!

  6. NL3044
    NL3044 says:

    Awesome video! However, there is very little evidence base supporting ash gourd extract or any antioxidants which helps prevent or treat ulcers or reduce inflammation, the evidence you point to shows very little in the way of supporting such notion in the literature, the vast majority of wider evidence and much higher quality studies shows otherwise. Ulcers are not caused by toxins, it is caused by some form of infection whether bacterial, viral or fungal, usually as a result of injury which provides an entry for infection. One of the reasons stress can cause ulcers is due to excessive stoamch acid production for example or causing bad habits such as lip biting. They do not magically appear due to 'toxins'. They will also heal by themselves, there is a very strong evidence base showing almost all treatments do not speed up the healing process of mild to moderate ulcers compared to natural healing. The main benefits seen are in cases of severe infection.

  7. Po Choi
    Po Choi says:

    I guess you can substitute the yellow chives by green onion or cilantro. The Chinese green chives are totally different thing… I never know people eat Chinese green chives uncooked…

  8. Evelyn6825
    Evelyn6825 says:

    The song your dad was playing in the flute is a classic. Very sad.
    Great recipe. I'm so used to only one way to make the soup. This "kang" is nice! Will try! Thank you for keeping your dads recipe and cooking alive! He's a treasure. Nice sharing of their youth.

  9. marie
    marie says:

    i like that it gives a homey and relaxed feel, i learn not only about how to cook the dish but also about the ingredients and experiences 🙂🙂


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