🍦80% FAT Challenge **Day 2**

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32 replies
  1. Susan Beever
    Susan Beever says:

    I ate 9 eggs in butter 1 day and then fasted with sugar free jello and chicken broth the next day and got into high therapeutic ketosis of about 3.5 ketones with 0.8 GKI. So same here, lower calories before a day of fasting worked for therapeutic ketosis.

  2. Cherie B
    Cherie B says:

    Inspired by you, I tried doing a sardine fast… OMG, how did you do it? The first bite isn’t bad, but they get exponentially fishier with each bite! 😂 And the sardine burps?!? Yu-uck!
    You have a will of steel, Woman!

  3. Emily Rose
    Emily Rose says:

    The brain runs on either carbohydrates or protein (which can cross the blood-brain barrier). It can't run on fat. So if you're already low-carb and you're now reducing your protein, too… you're leaving your brain less to function which is leading to the headache.

  4. Jacqueline
    Jacqueline says:

    We went away for three days and because the food options were so minimal for a carnivore diet I ate much lower calories. Mostly protein, lower fat options. My ketones were the highest I’ve seen! I was shocked by that but now after watching this it makes more sense.

  5. Sheri Morgan
    Sheri Morgan says:

    In my humble opinion… Nili is spot on with the lower calorie higher protein Sardine fast had her eating less .. end of story … her cortisol was down because of the high omegas in the sardines … with egg fasts you’re still eating mono foods that get boring if you are doing it “RIGHT for YOU” it’s a short challenge.. not a permanent lifestyle… A challenge is meant to be that & thank you Nili for sharing YOUR amazing life with us! Definitely have came up with a lot of the same results in my own experience.. Love&light from California 💖💖

  6. 5swans
    5swans says:

    How interesting! Thanks for being an experiment of N=1. I am much older (62) and I really don't like/enjoy fat in situ. I'm good with butter and bacon and hollandaise, etc., but pork belly or pork rinds or chicken skin or steak fat? Not so much! So far, most challenges that are based on fat have me spending days in the bathroom. My weight loss during those challenges are great but probably due to the time spent in the bathroom. That said, I do feel better at the end of these challenges. Especially in terms of my back and joint health. So, I am trying to figure out how to balance intake with progress. Any ideas, anyone?

  7. Carol32547
    Carol32547 says:

    Oh my gosh girl! If i put that much butter and MCT in my coffee, I'd be hanging out with the porcelain throng all day. Lol!! We are all so different. I have never been able to handle a lot of fat at a time. It amazes ne when i see someone tsking a big bite of butter. Wish i could do that 😊

  8. YeshuaMyKing
    YeshuaMyKing says:

    80% fat means u cut waaaaaay back on protein
    Literally an average hgt woman would eat about 50-60g protein
    It’s very small
    This all means u eat butter and chilled rendered meat fat or fried meat fat chunks, maybe have some cream in ur coffee, put sour cream or butter on ur meat…
    U will consuming 80% FAT
    Think about it

    Chilled or rm temp fat is easier on GI tract. Even ur fatty meat, eat it cold or rm temp. It rly helps in digesting!

    If u want to eat a lot of cals, over 2000, eat more protein

  9. Cynthia Gilbreth
    Cynthia Gilbreth says:

    This has been a fascinating set of videos with all of your experiments. With your recap, you may want to really examine your total (not net) carb count. I noticed that your carbs today were >20, that could be a factor in your low ketone levels.

  10. YamatoForever
    YamatoForever says:

    I just started watching your channel. I like it when people look for what works for them and not just go by what works for others. 1 Question. How long do you fast? Fasting for say 16 hours might help with ketones. And not to be a stick in the mud but butter/MCT oil in your coffee breaks your fast. Maybe do a fasting challenge where you fast for 20 hours for 3 days and then check ketones. That is if you haven't already done this. Good luck with whatever you do.

  11. Katherine S
    Katherine S says:

    How is this not a fat fast variation?

    I made a little spreadsheet to determine how much of what food(s) it would take to reach 100 grams of protein, and how much butter I would have to add to achieve 80% fat. (Okay, I only did this for large eggs and 80/20 hamburger.)

    Whole eggs + butter only: 16 large whole eggs + 10 tablespoons of butter => 2162 calories
    80/20 hamburger + butter only: 22 ounces hamburger + 6 tablespoons of butter => 2189 calories

    Both of these would be a calorie surplus for almost anybody but an athlete. I think this is the calorie range any 80/20 diet with 100 grams of protein will put someone in. That's far too many calories for someone like me, a relatively sedentary elderly woman.

  12. LouisaG
    LouisaG says:

    I really enjoyed all these videos and experiments. I recently went mostly Carnivore to try to get myself fat adapted. Pretty excited now when I get 0.3 or 0.4 on my ketone meter, as before they didn’t even register (just said ‘low’ 😢). I will stay here for a while, and then I do want to try some of these challenges myself…thanks for sharing!!

  13. Pretty Ricky
    Pretty Ricky says:

    You mentioned you have been eating 4 times a day and I suspect that the lower ketones may be due to the frequency of eating. Many times when you cut down the frequency your ketones have a chance to build up and you will notice it in your readings.

  14. Susan Laws
    Susan Laws says:

    I thought the same thing, that eating more fat is what makes ketones. Dr. Westman, in his videos and books, says that it is the burning of your stored fat that makes ketones, not eating fat. If you are eating 20 grams or less of carbs, you are making ketones. If you eat 20 – 50 grams of carbs you make ketones some of the time and anything above 50 you are not making ketones because you are eating too much carbs to burn your own body fat. If you need to lose 20 or more lbs you should not be eating any more fat than what is naturally in the meat/food you are consuming.

  15. Karen Hoff
    Karen Hoff says:

    My tortoise would have a field day in your yard. Wish I could come to pick some 😂. The shot with the chickens you have a ton of teasel. 🐢 the only time my ketones got really high up in the 2-4 range was doing Dr Boz’ way when Amy was doing it. Everyone jumped on to try it. I didn’t notice any real difference in how I felt with the higher ketones. I normally run low too under 1.

  16. D C
    D C says:

    On a high fat diet, isn't your body busy burning the recently ingested fat, not stored fat? That's my theory. I don't restrict fat, but concentrate on low carb, high protein, and low calorie. The low calorie controls how much fat I eat.

  17. Veronica L.C
    Veronica L.C says:

    Do you keep a log of things you try and what results you see or don't see? In that case could you make a video about how you do that? I don't do that many trials of diets and foods as you, but I do quite some and honestly I'm not that good at keeping track of what happens😂


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