🍚 How a Master Chef Cooks Rice! (白飯)

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Watch my chef dad cook rice with a rice cooker. It may seem pretty self-explanatory but he’s got some tips you may not know to get …

50 replies
  1. Anne Skelchy
    Anne Skelchy says:

    I live in a small apartment, where space matters, so I use the olden days method, the way my Paw Paw taught me. I boil the rice in a cast aluminum pot, with ratio of 1 cup rice to 1 cup water. I could use the finger… but with Thai Jasmine rice, this ratio is accurate.

  2. Kelvin Foo
    Kelvin Foo says:

    I was about to comment about the finger knuckle thing for measuring the right amount of water and then Daddy Lau talked about that too! We use a old National brand (a.k.a. Panasonic) rice cooker from the late 1980s for cooking rice and congee, that rice cooker is super simple in operation and only relies on a magnetic relay to turn the heat off. In Singapore and Malaysia, the most popular type of rice is Thai jasmine (or Hom mali) rice, since that's from a neighboring country. Most brands are graded AAA, although each household may have a preferred brand. I have to point out that you can't really use a rice cooker for basmati rice or arborio rice because of the different cooking techniques needed.

    One more thing, I'm not sure if Daddy Lau's actually done it before, but claypot rice sounds like something for a future episode!

  3. share ray
    share ray says:


  4. Msfelixthecatz
    Msfelixthecatz says:

    For many years I did not rinse rice. The reason is in the 70s there was an article in the Food Section of the newspaper that said white rice was sprayed with vitamins. So washing the rice would remove the vitamins.

  5. Nevha
    Nevha says:

    i wash rice 3 times too from the first time i cook rice until now. didn't particularly learn it anywhere, it just feels right to wash it 3 times smh 😂

  6. Melodie Johnston
    Melodie Johnston says:

    I admire your family and the traditions that you are passing down. Very inspiring (and the recipes are great!) My late husband worked in both China and Japan for extended periods of time and enjoyed the cuisine in both countries (he ate everything). After his first trip, he came home and told me that whatever we were doing to cook rice, was wrong. lol I love rice and wish we'd known about rice cookers then. Thank you.🤗

  7. You KnowNothing
    You KnowNothing says:

    I can vouch for Zojirushi, I own one thats 14 years old and still going strong. I also have a newer pressure IH tiger. I still think the Zojirushi cooks slightly better rice. Probably should have gotten myself a Zojirushi pressure IH instead.

  8. heythave
    heythave says:

    Zojirushi sucks because it takes a long time to cook rice. Tiger brands suck also because the inner container always peels off. I got a Narita brand where the inner container is stainless steel. American rice has been tested by Consumer Reports and was found to contain the high levels of arsenic, especially the brown rice variety. They found that those that were grown in the Texas and other states in the South were especially high. So, try not to give your babies rice baby food unless you make it yourself from Thai jasmine or basmati rice. Washing rice was shown to remove as much as 30% of the arsenic out.

  9. Biggus Balluz
    Biggus Balluz says:

    If you dont have a rice cooker, cook it in a banemarie over boiling water or steam it. I usually do this by using a large pan. Just place the bowl in and cook, water to rice ratio is the same, though you can reduce it a little to account for the chances of water bubbling into the bowl and the extra moisture trapped within the pan. Takes around 30 mins for 2 scoops. Its much better than cooking it over the stove, especially for small amounts like a single cup.

  10. Люда Бурцева
    Люда Бурцева says:

    Благодарю ВАС за очень хороший рецепт, обязательно попробую приготовить по ВАШЕМУ рецепту!!!Успехов ВАШЕМУ каналу и дальнейшего процветания!!!🙏👍谢谢你提供了一个非常好的食谱,我一定会尝试按照你的食谱做饭!!!你的频道成功并进一步繁荣!

  11. Mark Shen
    Mark Shen says:

    Granddaddy LAU, the Japanese brand ‘ZOJIRUSHI’ is among the best Japanese brand In kitchen appliances. The former HITACHI rice cooker was also the best, but due to modern technology, ‘ZOJIRUSHI’ rice cooker is the next among other Japanese kitchen appliances 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  12. Phillip Malerich
    Phillip Malerich says:

    I've got a Zojirushi NP-NVC18, which from what I can tell is an older model of the same one in the vid, and as a frequent rice eater its been worth every penny I spent on it. With zero effort it can make good rice, with a bit of effort it'll make great rice, and since it's pressurized I've made up five or six cups at once and then it stays good for an entire week. (assuming you're not opening it constantly)

  13. Jerry O'Dell
    Jerry O'Dell says:

    The older people always washed the rice and many still wash it. Younger people often point out that the bag says the rice is pre-washed and they skip this step. Some of us do not trust the pre-washed.

  14. David Lopez
    David Lopez says:

    I bought a Zojirushi induction rice cooker a decade ago and its the only way i cook rice now. Ive made dozens of recipes in it with half a dozen types of rice. Cooks perfect every time!


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