🍄Weigh-in & Recap for January + February Plans #WellnessWednesday #ketovore

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38 replies
  1. Save yourselves
    Save yourselves says:

    Still stuck at 1ib above my ideal weight. I find getting enough micros while not upping macros a real challenge. Like the egg bread. I doubt there is as much nutrition in that as an actual egg, which is why I can keep eating it and not feel full, vs I can't eat more than about 4 eggs in one sitting. I actually like the 'chokey' texture of the bread, cos when I'm choking, I'm not eating! It's like my body doesn't recognise it as food. Which leads me to the hypothesis that it is MICROS not macros that stimulate leptin and help us feel full. Like, I can eat a small piece of coconut and be satisfied all afternoon, whereas I eat a whole bag of coconut chips and am still famished.

  2. Idrissa Morehouse
    Idrissa Morehouse says:

    I bought a big thing of maple syrup tonight and i thought to myself hmmm I wonder what MS. INDIGO could come up with for an egg foam pancake/crepe type of thing ?? You’ve been rockin it with all the egg powder breads so pancakes arent much different from bread so…?? 🙂 FOOD FOR THOUGHT for your next batch of kitchen experiments 🙂

  3. Karen Hoff
    Karen Hoff says:

    Boy you’re having great success with the 3 lean days along with your keto days. Congratulations. After Feb. if I can’t get past the 147-148 mark I think I’ll try it. I feel like a bouncing ball back and forth. So glad you and the family are feeling better. 😘

  4. Suzanne Oleson
    Suzanne Oleson says:

    You have really inspired me. I am using February to get my shmek in check. I got sick with a cold in January after not getting sick since 2018. I got well quite fast, but realized I need to take care of myself better right now and not worry about weight loss

  5. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    For February I am tweaking things a bit- I’m adding in a little bit of oats and quinoa, allowing myself a teeny bit of dairy (mainly goat cheese) and limiting my wheat. No processed foods (except vegan meat substitutes) or sugar (except Valentines Day). I found years ago when I did Paleo that oats and quinoa didn’t bother my stomach or add to my fatigue. So, quinoa is a protein and a seed, it isn’t a real grain. So it would just be adding more protein to my diet. My goal for February is to add the oats and quinoa, adding in a bit of light weight work to my daily routine (maybe 3 days a week as I do a lot of heavy lifting at my job) and I want to start adding in a walk at least once a week. We will see how that goes. So far I haven’t walked at all, except when shopping!

    Congrats on the 6 pound weight loss. How wonderful.
    I ordered the butter powder and the Keto Super Powder today and they are coming tomorrow. The acacia powder isn’t going to be here until March 12! I guess it is on back order? Who knows. At least I will get a chance to try out the butter buns. I am making more rolls tomorrow. I’ve got all the ingredients measured out and ready to go. I am going to try out my hot dog bun silicone pan for the first time. It makes fairly small rolls so I’ll eat two in a meal. I have vegan hot dogs I want to try (Field Roast rock). I have not really missed bread now that I have the egg white bread!

  6. Sheri Morgan
    Sheri Morgan says:

    Indigo… I literally had in my notes to dm you about your mindset and Shmek i..Your concept is amazing & it’s so FREEING!!! Your Egg white crepes are the BEST recipe & I can’t wait for your cookbook “hint hint Absolutely.. just such a beautiful thing to see how happy you are!!! You earned it & continue to give so much of your heart to your “YouTube friends “ thank you for sharing your wisdom and thoughts!!! Congrats on Being Free from that crazy thought pattern… I’m so grateful for each day I DONT have to fight that monster… Your videos have really helped so much! Love&light from California 💗💗

  7. Rochelle Maly
    Rochelle Maly says:

    I’ve been doing PSMF since Oct 6 (daily) – I’m following the protocol of Ideal Protein but using better protein and clean ingredients. I took a 2 week break and did dirty keto and treated that as a reboot and started back Feb 1. I gained 9 lbs in those 2 weeks but I know I knocked myself out of ketosis by too many keto friendly foods so too many low carbs add up. I’ll get this off in no time. I’m super re-energized now to push through to maintenance which I’m thinking will be 2-3 months. Losing weight was super easy – Dec 8 – Jan 8 I lost 19 lbs – the only time I lost that amount in a month was mostly fluid but this was months in and based on all the comments I received plus my clothes I know it was a lot of fat. I hope to pick up where I left off to lose like I did before the break. I was a month ahead of the rate I thought I’d lose so fingers crossed the pace continues!

  8. Tami & Tarek Olayan
    Tami & Tarek Olayan says:

    You look amazing! Your face is so slim and like porcelain. You are truly an inspiration! I’ve had long haul Covid for 6 weeks and managed to gain weight! Nothing tasted good and I ate too many keto treats. Now I’m getting ready for a cruise and worried about weight gain with that. Back to lean days for me! Congratulations on your success and growing channel!

  9. Jeannie Nutter
    Jeannie Nutter says:

    Is there a particular video that you describe your baseline diet? I know how to do lean days but not sure what my base should be. How tall are you, just as an example. I realize we are all different even if we are the same height.

  10. Carolejean6 C
    Carolejean6 C says:

    How tall are you? I haven’t dipped below 150 yet I used to weigh 120 after my 2 child years ago then gained progressively after having 6 kids. I’m lower than I have been in years though. I would like to get to 140 and I’m pretty muscular now just trying to get rid of a little pooch when I sit down lol


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