[노오븐] 치즈감자 플랫브레드 만들기 :: 담백하고 폭신, 커리에 찍어드세요 :: Potato Cheese Flat Bread :: Bazlama :: Pita Bread

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예상되는 질문들 하단에 TIP 으로 적어두었으니 참고하세요. 빵은 폭신하고 그 속은 말랑말랑, 빵속에 감자와 치즈를 넣어서 담백하고 …

23 replies
  1. Osmancique
    Osmancique says:

    There is nowhere near enough wet ingredients to support 300 grams of flour. Even after I doubled the milk to 200 ml the dough is hard as a rock. Made me waste all these ingredients. Good for watching if you have no intentions of making it I guess.

  2. Aria Jane
    Aria Jane says:

    자가격리중인데 다있는재료로 재미나게만들어 맛나게먹을께요 레시피감사합니다 구독좋아요 누르고가요~ 건강하세요^^

  3. Van E.
    Van E. says:

    There was a missing step in your video, when did you mixed the dissolved instant dry yeast to the flour? People watching this may think that warm milk alone will let the dough rise to double size. It's important that step by step procedure is put on the video since a lot of people surely want to do this recipe. Anyway it's a good bread recipe.


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