台裔美國人辭掉他熱愛的工作搬回台灣陪伴爸媽 | 在台灣兩年來的種種驚喜 🇹🇼❤️ TAIWANESE-AMERICAN | MOVES TO TAIWAN TO BE WITH HIS PARENTS

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Jason’s YouTube Channel: @taiwanderingwithjason9413 Jason, from Chicago, has moved to Taiwan to reunite with his parents.

31 replies
  1. 王偉為
    王偉為 says:

    北美的冬天下的暴雪真的很令人厭恨,又要鏟雪又要灑鹽開車又會滑車輪出門走路膝蓋以下全都濕了,特別是融雪的時候 ,台灣人看到雪就像瘋了,我看到雪真的蠻厭恨的。
    Snowstorms in North American winters are really annoying. You have to shovel snow, spread salt, drive on slippery roads, get out and about. Everything below the knee is wet, especially when the snow melts. Taiwanese people go crazy when they see snow. I'm really tired of snowing.

  2. Emilia C
    Emilia C says:

    I was shocked when Jason started to talk. His appearance is 100% Taiwanese, but when he opens his mouth he is 100% American… The funnest thing is I then went to Jason's channel and there he was speaking Taiwanese mixing in with 台灣國語 from time to time (eg. 公園 he said "gong yan" instead of "gong yuan"). He IS a fascinating guy. 😄😄😄

  3. Kinder Musica
    Kinder Musica says:

    Wow!! I’m a Taiwanese living in Canada for 30 years now; watching this video makes me want to move back to Taiwan too! Thank you for continue making inspiring videos, whenever I’m feeling nostalgic or homesick, watching your videos are one of the things that always makes me happy☺️. Just wanted to let you know that you are making a difference for my life and others too😉 thank you!

  4. asaburu65
    asaburu65 says:


  5. Sara Chen
    Sara Chen says:


  6. 何仙笙
    何仙笙 says:


    是台裔美國人 您回台灣晚了,
    全球暖化極端氣候 使台灣只剩 夏天和冬天,
    我自小 台灣可是 四季分明,
    夏天沒這麼熱 冬天也沒那麼冷的。

  7. 曼尼
    曼尼 says:



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