❓Protein Macros? Egg Whites Causing Iron Issues? **Answering Your Questions** #Q&A

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Find me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/indigonili My Recipe Blog: http://indigonili.com 0:22 Levi’s eczema 5:50 What Levi eats …

22 replies
  1. Joan E
    Joan E says:

    I also found out that I was anemic, was shocked! I grew up eating lots of meat, whole milk and cheese. I'm interested in what you had to tell us and will be talking to my rheumatologist tomorrow about it.

  2. Adorable Adornments
    Adorable Adornments says:

    Redmond Re-lyte electrolytes have calcium in their powder. That is what does not dissolve easily. I don't like the Redmond's, they give me a nasty dry tongue. I am now using powdered magnesium glycinate and potassium and salt. I mix that in with my minerals, and iodine with a bubbly water with a few tablespoons of kombucha and a splash of aloe vera. Doesn't cause the dry tongue problem.

  3. Sandra Phillips
    Sandra Phillips says:

    Interesting about the protein hypothesis. I hadn't heard about it but I figured it out not long after becoming ketovore in 2020. I would occasionally get cravings for sweet stuff in the evening. I decided to eat a burger or some other beef. The craving went away and I actually would go longer the next day without eating anything.

  4. miasgirls 3
    miasgirls 3 says:

    My niece used to be allergic to eggs and vomit every time but now she's grown out of it. She also suffers with eczema. Now she developed a dairy allergy she can't eat any dairy whatsoever without breaking out, having an asthma attack, or severe breathing issues. ❤️❤️❤️

  5. stwong71
    stwong71 says:

    It's amazing at how self sufficient your kids are in terms of feeling themselves. Growing up, the only things I could make for myself was anything straight from the fridge or pantry or could be microwaved or toasted.

  6. Olivia
    Olivia says:

    I was going to ask something about Levi … well, more make a comment about his tummy issues. I know he eats some keto products like the perfect keto cereal and other treats. So I wondered if maybe the tummy issue was related to those sugar alcohols. A lot of people have digestive issues when they eat that. And the AG has pro and prebiotics and that could be what is helping him.

    All your children are really remarkable. I guess we see the most of Levi and he is really an amazing little boy. So charming!

    I didn't think that the egg whites were necessarily causing your iron issue. But I have wondered if we all might find out at some point that eating a higher percentage of whites than yolks could cause some problems for some people. A lot of people have mild egg sensitivities (not necessarily allergies). It is generally the whites more so than the yolks because of the proteins in the whites.
    But I am eating the egg white bread. Not constantly, but every few weeks I make up various types.

  7. Judy Duran
    Judy Duran says:

    💙🦋💙🦋💙 Great video. I love hearing about Levi. He always comes across as so good natured about everything. Also appreciated hearing the info you shared about protein. Very helpful!

  8. M T
    M T says:

    I was diagnosed with kidney disease and was told I was eating too much protein. I’ve gained some of my weight back, 20 lbs. now I can only eat 63 grams of protein a day! How can I possible keep doing keto when I can satisfy my hunger with protein? So frustrated, I had lost 50 lbs, I feel like I have to start all over again. I’m so angry about this.


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