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Hey Everyone – thanks for stopping by to check out my meal prep this week. I hope you enjoy. I’ve been doing these meal preps …

18 replies
  1. Christine Oman
    Christine Oman says:

    Really want to try the burrito bowls but I am also scared of my instant pot! The first time I used it I released the steam to early and my beef stew broth went all over my kitchen cabinets and counter.. I was cleaning the mess for days. I did write down the recipe and will try to be brave and make it when I pick up the ingredients. Thank you for such great recipes ❤️

  2. Rett L.
    Rett L. says:

    Yummy looking dinners! I keep forgetting to make the Hanna Banana bread. Did you see someone made it into muffins on the FB forum? She had questions re the points though.
    Next time you make the garlic rolls, you might try adding some of the Pizza & Pasta seasoning to the dough. I bet that would be awesome!
    Thanks for sharing another super duper meal prep video. I know it is a lot of work & you could probably be done earlier if you didn’t try to film & explain, so I appreciate your work.

  3. norma smith
    norma smith says:

    Glad to see y'all my internet for weeks been going in and out glad to be able to comment on ur channel so hopefully it will stay in cause I love commenting on y'all channel tell old supervisor I seen still got my eyes on him but glad to see him and all y'all doing well food looks amazing really miss all y'all y'all all take care hello to y'all and all the family don't forget the little doggies and kittens In God we trust God blesses us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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