☕️ What's your FAVORITE restriction?? // Wednesday Coffee Chat with @LindseyMurphy & @IndigoNili

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8 replies
  1. @TransformationinProgrss
    @TransformationinProgrss says:

    Sorry I missed the live. It’s always good👍 ‘Restriction’ or ‘Control’, adulting requires one make decisions. I happily eat Keto OMAD & fast 44 hours with a 4 hour eating window. I don’t fast on Sunday but still eat keto, drink 1 gallon of water daily and sleep at least 7 hours nightly. I also exercise daily. Much healthier and happier than ever. I count carbs but not calories and work to get 120-150 grams of protein on my feast days.

  2. @johnwiese3926
    @johnwiese3926 says:

    I think there are 2 types of bodies, optimistic and pestamistic. People with an optimistic body are the people that could eat ANYTHING AND NEVER GAIN AN OUNCE, their bodies never doubt there will be more food, so they use what they need and 💩 the rest out. Pessimistic bodies are the opposite, they think every meal is their last meal and stores as much as possible for later as Fat! 🤷 Evolutionary the Pessimistic body type is more advanced, better prepared for survival in a famine, BUT MUCH MORE problematic when we have access to abundant amounts of food. 🤷


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